Everyday we all seem to face a ‘to do list’ with unrealistic expectations which often leave us feeling exhausted, fatigued, anxious , stressed, frustrated and unable to relax.

What we tend to do when we experience the above is go into ‘overdrive’, we work harder ,try harder and go faster.

Perhaps some of us stay up later to try to get things done, maybe we don’t take a lunch break or any breaks. Often people fuel themselves on sugary foods or drinks and not take time for healthier snacks or meals.

Perhaps we just keep pushing on and on to hopefully fulfil our never ending need to ‘get things done’.

Many people take pride in multitasking and doing lots of things at once which in itself can  bring on even more stress and anxiety.

As a result we can’t seem to sleep or unwind and find our brains not turning off.

I would imagine it’s not rocket science to say if we stay in these states it can affect not only our physical health, but our mental health too.

So what I am suggesting today is the last thing people have in mind and that is SLOW DOWN!
Really you say! surely that will add to the stress and anxiety as things will be getting accomplished even  more slowly?

Well dear audience ,there is a sequence that goes with slowing down and if you adhere to it you really can find much more peace calmness in your life.

It is widely researched that slowing down our breathing automatically decreases our blood pressure and relaxes the nervous system.

These 6 actions  I am suggesting are not only simple but ‘do-able’.


1.Start each day with some slow deep breaths ( just 2 or three minutes can make all the difference)

2.When you arise be aware of how quickly you are moving or speaking and be concise to slow down’

3.Check in with how you are feeling regularly during the day and do the above practice, even three large breaths in and out slowly can decrease anxiety.

4.The obvious things are ensure you have breakfast, even if it’s just fruit and also a proper healthy choice lunch break AWAY from the desk/work area.

5.Take a few moments every hour or so to just gaze at nature, or better still get out into it once aday even for 5 minutes.

6.A tough one for many of us but do ONE thing at a time ,if you really want the benefits of calmer  nerves and reduced anxiety this one has to be mastered!


Of course you can build on the above but it’s a start, and as my 86 year old coach says …

‘One ounce of action is greater than one ton of theory’!

And remember nothing grows in the comfort zone.