This is SO scary I am also really excited to be sharing some great new learning ( hopefully) watch this space and next months Vlog to see how it went.
This is MASSIVE for me and I believe a lot of other people in business that are self-employed and on the same boat.
We seem constantly busy, attracting new clients, networking, posting social media, not taking proper breaks, working too many hours, putting ourselves under great pressure to ensure we are successful and too fearful to relax and enjoy ourselves?
It’s like we are driven onwards to the next thing and the next thing, not being satisfied with what we really have now.
A client I recently worked with said, i’t never seems enough’.
How on earth can we really let go and trust we have done enough and its ok to take some down time?
I am doing something I have NEVER really done and that’s not posting for the next few weeks, no work social media or vlogs or blogs, wow it feels a bit scary but I have to ‘practice what I teach’ as my daughter in law shared with me ( preaching no one needs)
In a few weeks I will do a Vlog and explain why I have done this and how it might benefit us all if we ensure we have regular down time.
Our brains kick in when we try to let go of control and give us negative feedback, the negative self-talk comes rushing.
We won’t get new clients, we must carry on in case we get forgotten, how can we relax when we won’t get enough income etc etc.
My suggestion is to allow the feelings but remember if you are running on half empty your health will eventually suffer and ensure we take the advice we would give to others and that would be to take time out.
So my experiment begins today!
NO vlogs or blogs or work social media for the next 2 or 3 weeks On my return I will reveal the results!
See you on the other side!!