Uncertainty is not knowing what will happen next ‘will I get a certain task complete in time for the deadline?’ ‘do I have enough hours to get my to-do list finished’, what will the economic future look like‘ will I have enough money to pay the bills ‘what will happen if my health deteriorates ’ how can I manage my work life balance’ the list goes on infinitum!
The research suggests the bottom line is we are not comfortable with uncertainty and our reactions to uncertainty may have made sense in evolution. The brain is constantly trying to predict what will happen next, allowing it to prepare the body and mind in the most effective way possible. In uncertain situations, that planning is a lot harder and if you’re potentially facing a predator or a human foe, the wrong response could be deadly. As a result, it could pay to err on the side of caution – either by avoiding the uncertainty altogether or by putting the brain and body in an aroused state that is ready to respond to a changing situation.
This above is most interesting! So what the hell can we do about the heightened state of anxiety and fear we have that’s often brought on by uncertainty? Believe it or not, we need to EMBRACE IT!
YES, it’s actually a gift to learn to go with the flow and know nothing is truly certain, life is uncertain, and if we can learn to sit with that discomfort and be at peace with it the anxiety and fear will dissipate.
Firstly I often share the three A’s Acknowledge, Acceptance, and Action.
MAKE time to acknowledge how you are feeling, it is imperative we feel the feelings and own them.
Then comes the acceptance of how we feel, we may not like it but it is our truth at that moment.
Finally the important part, is the action! What can we do about it? What choices have we got? ‘NHS Inform’ is a site that has some great solutions, but here are some of my tried and tested ones.
Talk about things with others and get another perspective.
Gather as much information as you can to ensure you can make an informed choice of what you can do.
Be curious and practice gratitude for the situation, there will ALWAYS be some great learning to be had!
BREATHE, practice slowing down you breath and being present.
Enjoy and Live life regardless of the uncertainty, as they had to do in the war years
Find what works for you and remember the saying ‘This too will pass’.
Often we find we can actually use the uncertainty fear and anxiety for good use, as we may be able to be more focused and productive. I was able to write this blog as a result of the uncertainty which led to fear and anxiety, so it’s been of help in some way to me, and hopefully to you too.
Finally, I would add, be kind to yourself and compassionate and remember, you are really doing the best you can and it is a natural state to be uncertain.
Understanding more about the challenges we have given us all greater insight into how we can help ourselves feel more in control of the uncertainty, and live in a happy more peaceful way.