I am continuing my theme of ‘What I have learned this week’ and this week is about how commitments can improve our health.
I notice I am resistant to doing this blog because I don’t want to, I LOVE doing my Vlogs as they are so easy and natural for me but writing I dislike, and it seems to be harder.
One of my assets is honouring my commitments,I noticed in the past when I didn’t honour them I often felt and ongoing underlying anxiety which affected many areas of my health.
My sleep was affected, I worried, I felt guilty, shameful, and often angry at myself.
I was told on a workshop on Friday if you don’t add the LinkedIn video by 26th that feature is going to be removed ( The Monday after the weekend)
Following the workshop on ‘tips for LinkedIn’ it came up as the first thing people should do to get noticed quickly. I realised I then had a deadline to make a video this weekend for my LinkedIn profile ( a 30-second video for my profile page).
On weekends I make sure I have large chunks of downtime to ensure I have a healthy and balanced worklife and was super busy with family events.
My weekend was rammed with grandchildren's commitments, fun, and outdoor activities so it felt like there was no time to do this video.
The clock was ticking and I noticed how anxious it was making me knowing I needed to do it yet not seeing any time to fit it in, by Sunday evening I was so tired, unmotivated and unprepared ( my hair was not at its best ) I did not feel I could ‘pull it out of the bag’.
What was my driver was how good I feel when I honour my commitments not only to others but to myself.
So last night I dug really deep, put my make-up on, did my hair and did the deed! It was such a great feeling and I defiantly noticed my anxiety plummet and my joy rise.
It may not be my best video and it’s only 30 seconds long but I really did my best!
If you hover over my profile picture on linked in you will see it’s really ok especially as now you know the back story.
As I conclude my Blog for today ( another commitment honoured) I can go into my week with a calmer and more relaxed mind and body.