In her new book, Daring Greatly, Brené Brown describes vulnerability as "uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure." It's that unstable feeling we get when we step out of our comfort zone or do something that forces us to loosen control.

I feel so grateful that this amazing woman was able to help people by leading the way, allowing them to expose themselves so that may not only grow stronger, but to feel a sense of transparency and authenticity that is truly next to none.

The reason I am bringing this to the table today is this morning I choose to be brave and discuss some things that have been upsetting me recently.

I have to say I was full of fear, doubt, and insecurity when I took the big step of asking my husband when it would be a good time to speak to him.

I requested the time to speak for 5 minutes without him wanting to ‘fix’ me so I could freely talk about the things on my mind.

We have been together now for 46 years and have learned through challenging times that the only way to truly be heard is to be transparent, respectful and authentic.

For many years I wanted my husband to sort things out but now I am able to work through things with him in such a healthy, mature and loving way.

It was a painful experience as I needed to own areas of resentment and envy I have in some areas of my life.

By not playing the ‘blame game’ I looked at my part and owned them as well as requesting my needs.

It was such a gift that after many years I am at long last able to truly be myself, I have learned to love and respect myself even when I am not at my best.

Many of my client say they can speak to me in a way they feel they can not with their nearest and dearest.

My request to you all today is to break out of the box and start to practice being vulnerable, it really is a gift that you can share.

I have noticed it not only allows others to do the same but enables us not to be engulfed with fears, resentments and judgements of ourselves and others.

My husband was so kind and loving and really heard me, I believe our relationship is the evidence of longevity, hard work, and the gift of allowing ourselves to just be vulnerable.

 Life can be often hard for all of us so practicing being vulnerable can truly enrich any relationship.

Honesty and openness delivered in a loving kind way is such a healer and as I always say, nothing grows in the comfort zone, so make today a day you do something different and allow yourself to receive the gift of just being human.