Actions to start self-care

Actions to start self-care

 As always my focus is on balance and wellbeing, we all want the best health we can get… don’t we?

Yet we don’t always do the actions that support the best health, so why is that? I guess many reasons get in the way from excuses of… I don’t have enough time, I am not motivated, it’s not that bad at the moment, I will pay more attention in the new year or its not the highest thing on my list right now,or even,I just can’t be bothered!

Whatever your reasons are I GUARANTEE you that if you put yourself first, everything around you will improve.

So how can we set about changing habits of a lifetime? Bite-size small actions it the answer, don’t set yourself up for failure with a complete turnaround, just start with something small.

Also, it’s important to really notice the improvements however small they are and that will be your driving force for the next small action.

We would not buy a lovely care and not have an MOT, leave it with no fuel and not look after it would we? So, if we take care of our cars that are only material things how much more important is our health?

My three sons know my passion for radical self-care, I was chatting with one the other day and he mentioned he has just started practicing yoga regularly, he was so happy with how much better he felt and it was a joy to know he really does respect his wellbeing.

I have never preached to my sons (let’s be honest, who wants to be told what to do?) but they do see the benefits of a calmer happier and much healthier mum.

The simple truth is that self-care is neither a luxury nor an indulgence. It’s not even optional. Sooner or later, what you don’t give yourself willingly, the body and mind will take for themselves, whether in the form of burnout, physical sickness, emotional exhaustion, or mental illness.

So if you really are serious about improving your health long term, ensure your action plan has your needs put in first and the rest will slot in.

Why bother?

Mmm no clues this week just check it out…

How to deal with criticism

yuk most people don’t like to be criticised but what can we do when we are and what can we learn from it?

The power of flexibility

Wow, can you believe how stress and anxiety can be calmed when you actually go with the flow and become more flexible, don’t believe me? well check out this week’s Vlog and see how

Stress Avoidance Tactics

We are all under so much stress but we can actually help to avoid some of it , check this weeks Vlog and see what changes you might make.

Latest health trends for 2022

Latest health trends for 2022

I was really interested is sharing these stats about what is ‘trending’ in 2022 and was so pleased that there is a real increase to improve our wellbeing.

Google is an amazing tool but the one thing that is imperative in the list below is ACTION

Tese are some of the things I found a massive increase in…

 80% increase in searches on Google for ‘mindful moving’
53% increase in searches on Google for ‘mindful exercise’
23% increase in searches on Google for ‘mindful running’


83% increase in searches on Google for ‘fitness tracker’
80% increase in searches on Google for ‘stress tracker’
50% increase in searches on Google for ‘cortisol level’


88% increase in searches on Google for ‘mood tracker journal’
50% increase in searches on Google for ‘mood journal’ in 2021


One ounce of action is greater than one ton of theory ( a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson)

The bottom line is SO simple and if you want the benefits of health improvements you just have to do the actions.

So why is it we see so much obesity, burnout, stress related health issues and mental health problems in our society?

I believe it is not just about education, people must me motivated, encouraged, supported and have a deep committed desire to change things.

What my clients say get in the way, laziness, procrastination, not quick enough results, it feels too hard, the list goes on.

Recently a client admitted she just makes excuses but the truth is ‘beating ourselves up’ is not part of the solution.

What I find is people generally commit to actions if they are held accountable by someone.

The real key is to become accountable to yourself.

 I feel we all take on so much that the important thing is to ensure we only commit to ‘bite size actions’.

SMALL baby steps in the right direct is the way to achieve results.

Make sure you are at least an 8 out of 10 in your enthusiasm, if you are lower its more likely you wont achieve your goals.

Make an action plan, add things in your diary so you know you have made time to do them.

Have FUN make things more enjoyable or reward yourself when they are complete.

Finally, if you really feel unable to honour your commitments to make good health choices, get help! Life coaching can look at what stops you and what are the underlying ‘self sabotage’ issues.

Whatever the reason remember people DO change and they CAN change for the better.

Paying my respects

No health tips this week just respects for the queen

Calming your busy mind

Calming your busy mind

Do you ever find yourself unable to sleep, or wake in the night with things going round and round in your head?

Do you often find yourself in the daytime not fully present as your mind is so busy with things to do, or worries and concerns of life?

Join the club! We have all at some point had what I call ‘a busy mind’, and the effects on our health long term if we continue with the above can range from: exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, over eating, undereating,  lack of motivation and even overwhelm.

So, what practical tips can you take away from this month’s Blog that can really be useful?

Funnily enough last night I woke up and noticed my head whirring round with incessant demands and thoughts.

I am pleased to say I now have some tools to calm my busy mind and first I had to use the 3 A’s which I often speak about.

Acknowledge I noticed how I was feeling without judgement, for me it was a bit of overwhelm of things to do

Accept Knowing its ok and it’s just where I am at right now, I need to accept things as they are even if I don’t like them. Only then can I move forward to any actions.

 Action What can I do about it? What choices do I have?

As you may know Einstein said ‘The definition of madness is to repeat the same behaviour and expect something different’

My suggestions are…

1. Focus on taking some deep breaths which instantly calms you down and is a great de-stressor.

2. Get a notebook by the bed or have one around that’s easily accessible.

Writing things down is a great way to put things into perspective.

3.Look at what is in your control and what is not, worry is like being in a rocking chair it gets you nowhere!

4.Practice self-compassion, be kind to yourself.

5.Stay in the present moment, as they say in 12 step program yesterday is history tomorrow a mystery we only have NOW, the present moment.

5. I believe its good to share your emotions and feelings with others, again giving another perspective.

I hope you practice some of the suggestions and get some relief if you notice your busy mind over taking you.

Finally remember, balance is the key and at times, a busy mind can be a motivator to get actions done so it’s not all bad.



Where can we find true happiness?

Many people strive to find real happiness but often end up unfulfilled. Perhaps we are seeking happiness in the wrong places? check out my latest video to find out more

Does fear hold you back?

Fear seems to play a massive part in many people's lives, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of people and so it goes on. Check out my Vlog for a few simple antidotes.

Nothing grows in the comfort zone

We all want to improve our health and wellbeing but are we really ready to make the changes and get out of our comfort zone?

How to avoid procrastination

How to avoid procrastination

Yes, we have all been there suffering the awful effects of procrastination, the anxiety, the worry, the frustration even going as far as beating ourselves up and feeling constantly stressed about something ‘hanging over us’.

We know we should just get on with it as we then would feel so much satisfaction and relief, but no, we just put it off.

It might even be something we enjoy so what gets in the way?

My clients often say…

 I can’t be bothered

I don’t want to do it right now

I haven’t got time

I will do it another day

Its boring


So whatever the reason the pain gets worse, then eventually the pressure from others ( or yourself) gets too painful and somehow you do the task and get the relief, then you wish you had done it earlier!

What’s ironic is we then procrastinate all over again with something else! and the cycle continues.

 Solution please? ( I guess that’s your next question?)

My prime example is my monthly blog which is not my favourite thing to do ( I love the weekly vlogs but have to dig a bit deeper with the written word)

What I LOVE about the blogs is they ALWAYS get done as I use my little simple method to achieve the best outcome.

1.Set a time you COMMIT to doing the task

2.Allow yourself enough time in advance or even a bit longer so you don’t feel pressurised

3.STICK TO IT! Self-discipline is key, no excuses

4.Make it as fun as you can, perhaps a reward at the end helps

5.Remind yourself of the pleasure you will feel when its gets done


This is my fail proof method and has really helped reduce my anxiety and stress.

I still am not madly keen on doing my blogs but the feeling I am getting right now its really great and well worth it!

So off you go, try this method and see how much better you feel.

Now you can  put procrastination in its place once and for all!